metaphactory 5.0 introduces next-generation semantic search & empowers users to enjoy the full range of knowledge discovery

We are extremely excited to announce the release of metaphactory 5.0, which comes with a next-generation semantic search component (next-gen semantic search), multiple improvements to semantic knowledge modeling, and several new features to ease the application-building process.


metaphactory's next-generation semantic search

metaphactory's revamped semantic search component introduces a new level of flexibility and precision when defining search queries, enabling end users to enjoy the full range of knowledge discovery.


Strongly driven by user feedback, it combines all of metaphactory's search paradigms into a single powerful user interface, giving application engineers and end users more flexibility. Next-gen semantic search makes it easier for end users to find what they need fast, as well as gain a deeper understanding of their data, opening the door to making unexpected discoveries. Application engineers benefit from easier configuration and maintenance of the search interface.


A defining element of metaphactory's next-gen semantic search is its combination of flexibility and precision. Next-generation semantic search takes into account the users' intent (or information needs) and supports both explorative as well as focused search patterns, allowing them to fluently and intuitively transition from one to the other during their discovery journey:


  • Users starting out with an explorative approach may simply want to discover more about a topic with no initial objective or end game in mind. They might not know exactly what type of information they're looking for, but start with a simple keyword or exploratively employ the underlying semantic model, hoping to discover new knowledge.
  • Users starting out with a focused approach may already have a specific goal in mind or a clear question they are trying to answer by searching within their domain knowledge – in this case, they might prioritize speed and precision. They might prefer using the relations in the underlying semantic model and faceted filtering in combination with precise keywords right from the start to scope their search, which allows them to pinpoint specific content or results with minimal effort and time spent.


The new search component's hybrid nature is reflected not only by its flexibility in guiding users along their search journey depending on their information needs, but also by the way these information needs can be expressed using different data modalities – from unstructured text to rich structured data.


Other metaphactory 5.0 highlights

Improvements to semantic knowledge modeling to further empower knowledge stewards and knowledge graph engineers


Enhancements to ontology management


  • An enhanced and more flexible ontology import process, allowing knowledge graph engineers to define how ontology constructs are transformed to the OWL/SHACL constructs supported by metaphactory's visual ontology editor and model-driven application logic
  • Modularization of ontologies, for example, by supporting the addition of new attributes to classes from imported ontologies
  • Multiple usability improvements to the visual ontology editor


Enhancements to vocabulary management


  • Enhanced performance for rendering large hierarchical trees
  • Better readability of large (poly)hierarchies
  • Generic improvements to the semantic-lazy tree through higher scalability of the SKOS concept template


New features to support application engineers in building knowledge graph apps that are reusable, easy to maintain and adhere to enterprise requirements


Updates to the design system


  • Fresh look & feel with an updated color scheme to improve readability
  • Coherent and consistent iconography principles as part of the default product design system
  • More flexibility in customizing the look & feel of metaphactory apps according to corporate guidelines via CSS variables and a documented CSS blueprint theme
  • Update to Bootstrap 5.3


Simplified management of customizations


  • Ability to perform configuration changes without overwriting and maintaining metaphactory default product pages
  • Simplified alignment between application and template changes by allowing application engineers to inspect changes and differences
  • Centralized process for configuring ontology and vocabulary IRI schemes




  • Alignment with the Java ecosystem via updates to Jetty 11 and Jakarta EE
  • Updated user roles for knowledge graph engineers, application engineers, knowledge stewards and read-only end users to cover new use cases and interaction patterns
  • Simplified layouting through default, out-of-the-box page layouts

Have a look at the release notes or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about this release.


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