metaphacts founder and CEO Dr. Peter Haase will be holding a tutorial at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC) taking place in Portoroz, Slovenia on May 28-June 1.
The ESWC is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies.
The tutorial "Getting Started with Knwoledge Graphs" will be held on the afternoon of May 29th and will cover the fundamentals of knowledge graphs and present specific examples of application areas. In hands-on exercises attendees will get the chance to experience metaphacts' knowledge graph platform firsthand and create a small, but real knowledge graph, covering the entire lifecycle including integration and interlinking of existing sources, authoring, visualization, querying and search.
To learn more about the tutorial, please visit
To register for our ESWC tutorial, please visit the conference website »
We look forward to seeing you at ESWC!