metaphacts Participates in KompAKI Research Project on Cooperative AI Solutions for the Workplace
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in software applications and has the potential to revolutionize the way we work. However, research regarding the impact of new technology on the workplace is often performed after said technology has already been developed and implemented.
In KompAKI, the research consortium strives to interlink AI development with research on the workplace and design new approaches to Cooperative AI which support end users in efficiently working with these systems. The findings from this project will be applied and tested in pilot installations with various companies in the industry. Ultimately, these findings will be transferred for general use in the workplace and will form the basis for new university programs.
As a partner in KompAKI, metaphacts will leverage metaphactory to help shape solutions and tools that enable users without expert knowledge to interact with AI in a transparent manner. Our platform leverages knowledge-based AI and will support the development of new machine learning (ML) tools to automate the creation of complex, high-quality decision models. This will simplify and accelerate the setup of ML workflows and will enable users without specific ML know-how or ML programming knowledge to create ML systems. Additionally, metaphactory will be used to research and develop new approaches for interactive, cooperative ML, which make learning from and through user interaction efficient. Topics such as data cataloging, data curation, modelling of training pipelines, creation of complex models, deep learning, and AI explainability will be in focus.
The KompAKI research project, which started on October 1, 2020, is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and coordinated by the Technical University (TU) of Darmstadt.