Innovation Fund Monitor developed by metaphacts & partners aims at improving the quality of care in statutory health insurance in Germany
The German Federal Joint Committee (GBA) has the task of promoting new forms of care projects provided by statutory health insurance as well as healthcare research projects that aim to gain knowledge on improving the existing care sector. For this purpose, the German federal government has set up an innovation fund (Innovationsfonds) that aims to further develop the quality of care in statutory health insurance in Germany.
In a recent commentary on the GBA innovation fund in Monitor Versorgungsforschung, editor in chief Peter Stegmaier explains how the results of the projects funded through this program are evaluated using heterogeneous evaluation reports which can range from a few dozen to a few hundred pages, have different structures, and are all only available in PDF format. An overview of all innovation fund projects or their detailed results is not available as such at the moment. This means that critical data is not surfaced and cannot be leveraged for decision making on which projects to pursue further, leading to a great opportunity cost for health insurances and the general public.
metaphacts collaborates with Monitor Versorgungsforschung, a German independent and interdisciplinary health services research magazine that provides news and peer-reviewed scientific articles, and Martin Klein, a digital freelancer with extensive experience in the Life Sciences & Pharma industry, to develop the Innovation Fund Monitor - a knowledge landscape for healthcare research.
The solution leverages metaphactory and allows users to extract insights on care projects and explore the information network as a whole. It demonstrates the added value that can be generated by leveraging knowledge graphs to surface hidden knowledge - a technology that is becoming more and more established in the international pharmaceutical industry.
Innovation Fund Monitor powered by metaphactory
At the moment, the partner team is actively looking for collaborators, esp. market players willing to share data in a pre-competitive stage and thus contribute to improving transparency in healthcare research and position themselves as a leading innovator in the field of AI-supported knowledge management in healthcare.