metaphactory 5.4 delivers new features & improvements for data federation, ontology management and app-building

We are excited to announce the release of metaphactory 5.4, which offers major improvements to metaphactory’s transparent federation engine and sees added functionalities to its ontology management and low-code application-building.


Major enhancements to the transparent federation engine


With metaphactory 5.4, knowledge graph engineers and application engineers will benefit from the improvements made to its federation engine. Now, the source selection in metaphactory's transparent federation can be optimized through declarative, model-driven knowledge. 


Support for using transparent federation as a default repository for specific use cases (e.g., as a unified data access layer to the Enterprise Knowledge Graph) has been substantially improved. This enables users and applications to access and use data from the integrated enterprise knowledge graph without having to worry about the physical location of the underlying data sources.


This release also addresses various performance and stability improvements to federated query processing. 


New features & improved ontology development and review process


New ontology management features in metaphactory 5.4 provide users with more flexibility and functionalities when it comes to creating, reviewing, managing and versioning ontologies. 


For example, users now have the ability to review changes using more detailed views, which are not only available during the ontology review step but at any point in the ontology lifecycle. 


As well, users can comment on an ontology without having to explicitly submit a review, respond to comments about an ontology in a thread, and can download an ontology including transitive dependencies in multiple formats. 

Lastly, there are enhancements made to the ontology element pages (classes, relations, attributes) to accommodate for ontology versions.


What else is new in metaphactory 5.4


  • Enhancements to support application engineers in developing and maintaining  low-code apps

    • Blueprints and guidelines to support better end-to-end testing of  applications using low-code test recording

    • The template editor now supports reverse lookup of all included template fragments helping application engineers to understand dependencies and impact changes


  • Supports bulk editing of nodes on the visual graph canvas, allowing users to form groups of nodes and connect those with only one click to other nodes, versus previously requiring to connect each node individually. (Beta)


  • The setup of LLM-based natural language to SPARQL (NL2SPARQL) interface has been simplified and provides now extended options for configurations.


Have a look at the release notes or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to learn more about this release.


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