Unlock your talent for knowledge graphs

By the end of metaphacts Academy, you'll gain expert-level knowledge of transforming data into consumable, contextualized & actionable insights using knowledge graphs.

What's the metaphacts Academy?

We offer various training modules where you’ll learn how to create, manage and share your own knowledge graph while navigating the metaphactory system, and three certifications to validate your new knowledge graph skills.

The metaphacts Academy consists of the following modules:
» metaphactory basics covers metaphactory’s out-of-the-box features for search, discovery, exploration and authoring.
» Visual modeling basics and Visual modeling advanced demonstrate how non-technical users can explicitly capture domain knowledge via metaphactory’s visual semantic modeling interface.
» App building basics and App building advanced provide an overview of how metaphactory’s low-code approach can be used to build use-case specific knowledge graph apps.
Upon request, we offer foundational training sessions on RDF, SPARQL, OWL and SHACL to get you and your team started on the basics of the W3C standards; a DevOps training to help you transition your apps into production; or advanced training sessions on topics such as search, data authoring, federation, platform extensions or custom topics relevant to your needs.

Learning outcomes

By completing all five training modules, you will learn to:

» Explore your knowledge graph using metaphactory’s basic and advanced semantic components.
» Create new ontologies and capture new concepts (classes) and their attributes and relationships using metaphactory’s visual ontology editor.
» Create new terms and capture hierarchical structures using metaphactory’s vocabulary management interface.
» Use metaphactory’s model-driven data authoring components to extend the graphs.
» Use metaphactory's low-code templating mechanism to create views of classes, including CSS styling, semantic components, the interactive graph component, knowledge panels and events.
» Create search pages in metaphactory by using its semantic search framework.
» Use the application deployment mechanism in metaphactory and configure the security for access and permission control.


To validate your skills, we offer the following certifications:

» Knowledge Graph Application Engineer - Upon completing the App Building Basics training module & certification process. 
» Knowledge Graph Engineer - Upon completing the Visual Modeling training module & certification process. 
» Knowledge Graph Solution Architect - Upon completing the App Building Advanced training module & certification process.

What to expect

Complete each module in 2.5 hours
Virtual trainer-led sessions with examples & guidance
Interactive learning with hands-on exercises
Training instances prepared, hosted & maintained by metaphacts
Slides & exercise material provided to you after training
Training packages include multiple modules and ample practice time between sessions

Ready to start the metaphacts Academy for you and your team?